Sabbath House

Sabbath House assists individuals or families in financial distress with a period of rest for 12 months from the financial pressures of providing housing in order to focus on the necessary changes in their life to achieve long-term success.

Ponds welcomes our new Sabbath House resident, Shari and her children. Shari and her family will move into the house in late June of 2015. Already she has begun work at identifying her goals and working with resource people to help her. During the summer other goals will be identified. The purpose of the house will be reviewed with Shari as well as her responsibilities. The congregation will have a chance to meet Shari at a future time and learn her story.

Meanwhile, Kate S. has found a home to rent in Wyckoff and is in process of moving from the Sabbath House into her new home. Kate will share her experience with the congregation this fall.